
    Saturday, February 27, 2010

    So sleepy... Must update...

    Yeah so again I'm going to be quick since it's a Friday night and I'm working in the morning (and bloody Sunday!).  The current story goes that I've been busy, busy lately with school and shit and am still loving every minute of it.  I performed a pitch today along with my two lovely partners, trying to sell a Health Conscious Beer to women.  I know, first hurdle, "What health conscious person is drinking a beer?".  Anyways, I performed a pitch that brought the house down and made me think I should go into stand-up comedy.  I would of course need an audience who already knew what the fuck I was talking about but that's besides the point.  Speaking of point, allow me to get to it.

    What you see here is my recent attempts at logo design.  Please feel free to give me your thoughts as my business partner (and wife) and I have been at logger-heads over the whole damn thing.

    Peace out.


    1. Number 16,17,and 18 are my faves. 18 probable moreso. Not sure about the Light blue or yellow. on their own they're fine but together look a lil weird to me

    2. The smiley face looks a bit kiddy, like you'll be designing baby things.

      I think it needs to be colour on white. None of the logos on black appealed.

      In order, I like the large logo at top (nice and simple, not cluttered), the word logo with blue text (the mis-aligned text kinda says "We'll make it fit your requirements"), and the yellow exclamation mark stands out (the exclamation seems to say "I have an idea!").
