
    Saturday, February 20, 2010

    New Post, New Logo

    Hey gang, as you can no doubt tell by now, I've been on a logo and company name kick.  Well yesterday I got some major inspiration under my ass and decided to just go nuts with a few things.  A lot of stuff is in the works but a sneak preview for you can be this.

    The only thing I'm not crazy about is having my name in the company name.  Ultimately I want to create a business that is separete from my own identity and thus can be built up as a brand people want to know about and work with.  I'm still pretty stuck on "That Design Studio" but it's all still in the air right now. Yesterday I managed to find a Quote form and Invoice sheet used by designers so I'm going to be working on that, Letterhead and Business Cards the moment I've managed to get this company name and logo thing out of the way.

    That's all for now, back to the digital canvas!

    UPDATE: In light of recent realisations, I've made some serious overhauls. Serious overhauls in the form of sticking it straight up and giving it glasses.  Ergh.  Anyways, here's a bunch other logos for you to peruse and vote on also!

    None of these I'm particularly happy with.  Except for maybe Danger! or Digitalbrush.  Anyways though, time to go shopping for groceries!  How fun is real life huh?!


    1. That's very cool and smart. LOLit does look a bit like an itty bitty penis.

    2. Hah, yeah it does look like a penis. That's a shame. Guess I better try again :P
