
    Monday, February 15, 2010

    One Helvetica of an Intro

    Sup?  The name's Clint.  I'm scared.

    No seriously, I'm terrified about Graphic Design. For starters, let me get this out of the way. I am NOT a graphic designer. I say that because I'm not sure I'll ever be. I don't know what it is, I just can't get that freaking excited about the perfect alignment of Helvetica to a 12.7mm default margin. I just don't care enough about it.

    This problem of mine is especially compounded by the fact that I come from a primarily film background and for the last 7 years have worked in the Video Games Industry as a Cinematics Director. Unfortunately, like most, recent downsizing and redundancies have happened and like most, I was caught in the net of it.

    Since then the Games Industry here has nearly completly shut it's doors for a guy with my experience. They largely tend to grab Americans with DECADES of experience for super cheap since they're all coping with the GFC downturn too. Who can blame them really? It's just smart business.

    In any case, I'm out here on the outside with no idea what to with myself. Facts are that I need to make money and it would more than likely take FOREVER to start making some if I went into the Film Industry (although I do have experience as an Editor/Compositor).

    Bottom line, there was only one other thing that I ever wanted to do with my life, and that was make Logos. Seems pretty freaking limited I know and ultimately, it's just some passing hobby (I think I'm an Illustrator at heart). So now I sit here, unemployed, eating into savings, just joined a Graphic Design course and am staring down the barrel of a future career I'm not even certain I'll like.

    Maybe I just had a bad day in class or something but honest to god, 5 hours talking about Grids in InDesign. I find myself sitting down and listening to these lectures and doing these prac exercises and thinking to myself, "This is Art right? Isn't Art subjective? Why are there so many rules?"

    Now I'm not trying to rally against the machine, but I am sitting here tossing up two opinions on a lot of things I'm taught. Everything coming into my head is greeted with a "Well duh, common sense there" or a "What? Why the fuck has it gotta be done like that?" Could be the teachers fault for not explaining a lot of the why behind things and I recognize that so I spend a lot of time now trying to force myself to be interested. Jumping around on Design Blogs and the like can only do so much.

    I do love Design, I just wonder if it's truly for me.

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