
    Monday, February 22, 2010

    Let It Be Known...

    That on this day, shit seriously went into effect.  Now registered with a full blown ABN and a website and all that cool stuff, "That Design Studio" is now a fully licensed studio kinda.  It's set to go into effect in 1 week so that's not too long of a wait away.  Plenty of time for me to get the rest of my affairs in order.  Such affairs as confirming which of these two little gems we're going to run with as the company logo.

    Keep in mind, these aren't meant to be solid set in concrete choices.  I will be going over them with a final style choice once the desired logo from this batch has been selected.

    I like the one on the right, Beth likes the one on the left.

    You decide.


    1. Why aren't they on a hip obscure angle?

    2. I like the second one.

      Katelyn :)

    3. Very first one is my fave.


    4. first one (on the left)
      will look better on a company letterhead and business card.
      graphically speaking :)

    5. i like the second one most. looks swell.

      - davis
