
    Wednesday, September 8, 2010

    My Mother Was Right.

    NOTE: If you haven't read this over on WhyMe?! then this will be a treat for you, but if you have, my apologies for the double post. It's been a long time since I had any time or anything to say on this blog, but that doesn't mean I don't have a lot to show, which I will be doing so again soon.

    You know it's funny.  It never occured to me until now that I hadn't updated what was the last comic I did before exiting back into the real world of design. I apologise for that and offer you this single frame, summing up everything that it was to be there on my first day as a Graphic Designer.

    In short, it was freaking horrifying.  I felt like I was in WAY over my head and the days that followed weren't great either.  I seriously questioned why I had spent $9000 on a course to teach me how to do a job I was never sure I even wanted to do for a pay grade $20k cheaper than I was used to.  It was brutal and unforgiving.  Nobody yelled at me, which was nice of them, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit to mucking up a number of things.  Things I'm sure heaps of Junior Graphic Designers have done in the past but still, bad things.  Like screwing up 10,000 business cards because you didn't get the size of the font just right, running a finger along a picture frame and watching the glass fracture and crack across the whole $1700 frame that the boss had just bought 20 minutes ago (I wish I made that up).

    In the end though, I think I'm getting a lot better.  I'm a lot faster than I once was and don't make the same silly mistakes like I used to.  I've become a damn near expert and judging sizes of spaces on a page (seriously, down to points of a millimetre in accuracy) and when it comes to the design, print and signage combo, I'm just learning everything I can to make sure I don't screw up any further.  The only downside of all this is that it feels like I'm constantly in a trench.  Constantly watching over my shoulder and ever fearful of the next time things will go horribly wrong.  Sure, this mindset will only help me stay sharp and be sure I don't screw up anymore, but at the cost of heart?  Fuck that.  I'm under enough stress just trying to keep a roof over my head.

    I'm reminded that it's a common thing for people to hate their jobs, but I've never understood why people would choose to put themselves in a situation they hated for no other reason than it earns them a living.  I've always believed that there were hundreds of ways to earn a living before you had to become a shelf stacker at the supermarket or work the grease pit at your local fast food joint.  You don't need to be miserable at your job, you just need to put up with it while you search for the next new beginning.

    My mother always told me this wank filled statement about how "there are people who stand on the shore, and people who swim out to the boat."  I always thought it was PURE fucking wank, I mean, I'm not a strong swimmer to begin with and swimming out to a boat?  First off, if the boat is already out at sea, I've either missed it or I was never invited to be on it.  Secondly, the shore normally has an ice cream van rolling by at some point and there's hot chicks in bikinis, so I think the shores pretty bad ass.  However, I understand what my mother was saying.  You can't just sit back and hope things are gonna be okay and the opportunities are gonna come to you.  They're not.  In fact, they're more likely to nail the door shut on you to make sure you never try and come back.

    Bottom line?  My mother was right.

    Saturday, February 27, 2010

    So sleepy... Must update...

    Yeah so again I'm going to be quick since it's a Friday night and I'm working in the morning (and bloody Sunday!).  The current story goes that I've been busy, busy lately with school and shit and am still loving every minute of it.  I performed a pitch today along with my two lovely partners, trying to sell a Health Conscious Beer to women.  I know, first hurdle, "What health conscious person is drinking a beer?".  Anyways, I performed a pitch that brought the house down and made me think I should go into stand-up comedy.  I would of course need an audience who already knew what the fuck I was talking about but that's besides the point.  Speaking of point, allow me to get to it.

    What you see here is my recent attempts at logo design.  Please feel free to give me your thoughts as my business partner (and wife) and I have been at logger-heads over the whole damn thing.

    Peace out.

    Monday, February 22, 2010

    Let It Be Known...

    That on this day, shit seriously went into effect.  Now registered with a full blown ABN and a website and all that cool stuff, "That Design Studio" is now a fully licensed studio kinda.  It's set to go into effect in 1 week so that's not too long of a wait away.  Plenty of time for me to get the rest of my affairs in order.  Such affairs as confirming which of these two little gems we're going to run with as the company logo.

    Keep in mind, these aren't meant to be solid set in concrete choices.  I will be going over them with a final style choice once the desired logo from this batch has been selected.

    I like the one on the right, Beth likes the one on the left.

    You decide.

    Seconds Before Sleep

    And just before I hit the Zzzz's, here's an update featuring the latest logo designs.  Let me know what you think.

    You'll note the recurring name, because it's the one that we've decided upon.

    Peace out!

    Saturday, February 20, 2010

    New Post, New Logo

    Hey gang, as you can no doubt tell by now, I've been on a logo and company name kick.  Well yesterday I got some major inspiration under my ass and decided to just go nuts with a few things.  A lot of stuff is in the works but a sneak preview for you can be this.

    The only thing I'm not crazy about is having my name in the company name.  Ultimately I want to create a business that is separete from my own identity and thus can be built up as a brand people want to know about and work with.  I'm still pretty stuck on "That Design Studio" but it's all still in the air right now. Yesterday I managed to find a Quote form and Invoice sheet used by designers so I'm going to be working on that, Letterhead and Business Cards the moment I've managed to get this company name and logo thing out of the way.

    That's all for now, back to the digital canvas!

    UPDATE: In light of recent realisations, I've made some serious overhauls. Serious overhauls in the form of sticking it straight up and giving it glasses.  Ergh.  Anyways, here's a bunch other logos for you to peruse and vote on also!

    None of these I'm particularly happy with.  Except for maybe Danger! or Digitalbrush.  Anyways though, time to go shopping for groceries!  How fun is real life huh?!

    Friday, February 19, 2010

    Just a Quick One.

    I've been working like a mad man trying to study logo design and clever typography in the hopes that I can come up with one truly awesome Designer logo for myself.  So far, nothing has done gang busters but I think we're getting close.  Spoke to a few people today and they agreed that "That Design Studio" was pretty awesome.  Unfortunately, a quick talk to my entrepreneurial Dad and he put the kibosh on the whole thing, simply saying "I don't like it."  I couldn't get much more of an answer out of him on that but then he suggested that we'd "have to brain storm it some more".  Something I'm always happy to do.  Anyways, here's tonights attempts...

    So yeah, please let me know your suggestions in anyway that you can, if you're reading this at all.  Also, top right logo, that's a CS in the eyes and nose.  My initials :)  I also really like Cheeky Devil, but I don't know about Cheeky and Devil.  Something else CD?  Clint Designs?  Needs to convey the tounge hanging out motif that it possesses right now.

    Good night!

    Wednesday, February 17, 2010

    Tomorrow Will Be Interesting

    As the title suggests, tomorrow will be interesting indeed.  Not only for the sure to be awesome on going lessons about Typography (fuck yeah!) but also because of the Quiz we will be taking about InDesign's short cuts.  Incidentally, I have to get back to studying them and I really don't want the night to disappear on me like it has the past few weeks.  To tide you over (whoever you are), here's a new Super Villain.

    This character was definitely thought up by what I clearly believe to be the greatest super villain of all time, The Underminer from The Incredibles.  He only gets a short role at the end of the movie but my god, next to Bomb Voyage, there hasn't been such a fantastically gimmick'd villain in all history.  God bless Pixar.

    Anyways, back to study.

    I took a break from studying to brainstorm some inspiration I had on the train.  No time right now to go into explanation but basically I did up a few Company Logos based on some really awesome fonts I had lying around and wanted to toy with.  Logo Design is what I love most.

    What do ya think?  As you can see, I'm a whore for Reds n' Blacks.

    Tuesday, February 16, 2010


    It turns out that I am quite, almost infatuated, with Type.  Type and Fonts of all varieties!  Today we had a class all about it and aside from the past weeks lessons of Grids and Margins, I AM now having fun.  I got to design a bunch of different things today, all centered around the clever use of type to portray either Myself, an Emotion, an Action or a Thing.  Was very awesome and I enjoyed it thoroughly.  So much so that it made me race home so that I may start finally working on my Kinetic Typography (Moving Type) vid.

    Freaking brilliant and since then I have come across THOUSAND's of vids revolving around Kinetic Typography.  I just have to get in on this.  The first step though, of course, is choosing a Monologue.  Unfortunetly two of my favourites are already taken.  V's "V Speech" from V for Vendetta and Keifer Sutherland's "Rifle Speech" from Phone Booth (two brilliant films by the way).  So now I've got to find something rad that'll look good in type.

    Feel free to send suggestions on this one.

    Monday, February 15, 2010

    The Superhero Series

    I got bored and figured I should practice some Illustrator skills since I have very little. Never mind the fact that I didn't have a sketch or tablet of any kind to do this stuff from, I just winged it on the mouse.  Epic old school.

    I came up with Flash Bang about 2 years ago.  His powers were definitely inspired by Jubilee but as for the rest of him, I can't see.  I think I see a little Freakazoid in there which is pretty bad ass.

    I'm pretty sure the concept of a renegade priest who goes around offing Vampires, Ghouls, Zombies, Demons and the like isn't any entirely new one.  I definitely got the idea from something like Constantine.  Incidentally, the way they portray Lucifer in that movie is freaking spectacular.  Brilliant whites against tar dripping blacks.  Well done Art Director on that one.

    That's all I got for now, should head to sleep.

    More design to come!

    One Helvetica of an Intro

    Sup?  The name's Clint.  I'm scared.

    No seriously, I'm terrified about Graphic Design. For starters, let me get this out of the way. I am NOT a graphic designer. I say that because I'm not sure I'll ever be. I don't know what it is, I just can't get that freaking excited about the perfect alignment of Helvetica to a 12.7mm default margin. I just don't care enough about it.

    This problem of mine is especially compounded by the fact that I come from a primarily film background and for the last 7 years have worked in the Video Games Industry as a Cinematics Director. Unfortunately, like most, recent downsizing and redundancies have happened and like most, I was caught in the net of it.

    Since then the Games Industry here has nearly completly shut it's doors for a guy with my experience. They largely tend to grab Americans with DECADES of experience for super cheap since they're all coping with the GFC downturn too. Who can blame them really? It's just smart business.

    In any case, I'm out here on the outside with no idea what to with myself. Facts are that I need to make money and it would more than likely take FOREVER to start making some if I went into the Film Industry (although I do have experience as an Editor/Compositor).

    Bottom line, there was only one other thing that I ever wanted to do with my life, and that was make Logos. Seems pretty freaking limited I know and ultimately, it's just some passing hobby (I think I'm an Illustrator at heart). So now I sit here, unemployed, eating into savings, just joined a Graphic Design course and am staring down the barrel of a future career I'm not even certain I'll like.

    Maybe I just had a bad day in class or something but honest to god, 5 hours talking about Grids in InDesign. I find myself sitting down and listening to these lectures and doing these prac exercises and thinking to myself, "This is Art right? Isn't Art subjective? Why are there so many rules?"

    Now I'm not trying to rally against the machine, but I am sitting here tossing up two opinions on a lot of things I'm taught. Everything coming into my head is greeted with a "Well duh, common sense there" or a "What? Why the fuck has it gotta be done like that?" Could be the teachers fault for not explaining a lot of the why behind things and I recognize that so I spend a lot of time now trying to force myself to be interested. Jumping around on Design Blogs and the like can only do so much.

    I do love Design, I just wonder if it's truly for me.